Reasons Why You Should Choose The ABM Track

Hey Grade 10 students, are you ready to impart another chapter of your life. Are you still undecided on the strand you will take in senior high school? Well the ABM strand can make you to be a successful businessman/businesswoman, a billionaire, or even the greatest entrepreneur of our generation. 

What Is ABM (Accountancy, Business and Management) Track? 

         Do you want to enter the corporate world in the future? Well taking the Accountancy and Business Management track will be your first step. 

         Based from the Enderun College Inc. The ABM strand in its most fundamental sense refers to the accountancy, business, and management academic programs that concentrate on the foundational concepts in corporate operations, financial management, business management, as well as each and every factor that revolves around those central fields.

        The ABM strand can take you on a direct path to careers in accounting and management: sales management, human resources, marketing director, bookkeeper, project officer, accounting clerk, internal auditor, and many more. The ABM strand curriculum opens the avenues for you to gain a more nuanced appreciation of the intrinsic elements that make up the world of accounting and business management courses in the Philippines without having to dive deeper into the specialized complexities of mathematical fields such as algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and others. 

    Below are the reasons why you should choose the ABM strand:

    • The useful advantage of the Strand
          The primary purpose of taking the ABM Strand track is that, it will allow the students to make many opportunities to start and run their own business. Students will be trained in practicing proper time management and develop many other skills that are going to be applicable for almost any career path that the student choose to pursue. So basically speaking, this track will improve your skills in communication, finance, collaboration, analytical, and time management skills that can be useful in taking any career you will pursue in the future.

    • Take in demand career paths in the world
          Globalization, a growing economy, and a complex tax and regulatory environment are expected to continue to lead to strong demand for accountants and auditors. In general, employment growth of accountants and auditors is expected to be closely tied to the health of the overall economy. The ABM Strand program offers a multitude of opportunities and direct career paths that can propel you into both personal and professional success. Career paths like Certified Public Accountant(CPA) and Auditors are one of the possible career path in taking this strand. 

    • Attain Financially and Intellectually rewarding career
          As I said a while ago, The ABM strand can help to attain skills that can open us to any career paths. Well career paths such as Corporate Lawyer can help to attain a rewarding career. Being a Flight Attendant can help you to travel the world while being a hero in the sky. A Financial Manager that leads to the success of the business. Well, taking this strand can help you to attain a financially and intellectually rewarding career.

    • Trains to acquire effective skills
          This strand will not just about thinking logically and critically. In this strand it is not just about numbers and analytical skills. ABM strand is also up on overall communication skills and collaborative skills. Also it is acquainted with the concepts of Accounting, Business, and Management in order to pursue college degrees that focus on business and other related fields.

    • Subjects involved in the Strand
          Subjects in this strand is developed and crafted for the students to develop appropriate knowledge and guide that the students can utilize all throughout their journey on their future career. Some of the specialized subject involved in the track are the Fundamentals of Accounting, Organization and Management, Business Management, Business Mathematics and many more.

    • Analyzing the Problems over Memorizing Mathematical Formulas
          In my experience in taking up this strand, you will not focus on memorizing mathematical formulas. Well, there are some formulas but it is very easy to understand if you analyze the terms involved in the formula as well as utilize the right sign in computing. So you don't have to worry if you have mathematical difficulties. The myth about if you want to take the ABM strand you'll have to be great in Mathematics subject is wrong. Students should just analyze the problems to solve them. You just need to familiarize the four operations, have a good analyzation plus good interpretation.

         Overall, the ABM strand is a great step you can take toward your desired future. This strand will help you acquire useful skills in pursuing college degrees and other fields. Choosing this strand will help you to be future oriented because this program will not just keep you learn but also knowledge to stand alone, to start a business, and to be financially stable without investing. This track produces certified accountants, entrepreneur, and business leaders which are essential and vital to the progress of the economy.

    Disclaimer: Some of the presented information and data belongs to its rightful owner. The contents are also based on author's idea and experiences throughout on his ABM journey. This blog is created for the completion of the author's final task on ICT subject.
